Kids' Camp

The Waggin Train’s Annual Jr. Vet Kids' Camp

We are proud to offer our amazing Kids’ Camps here at The Waggin’ Train! For five days, our Jr. Doctors work alongside our veterinarians solving cases, observing surgeries, and taking care of their own stuffed animal patient. After they spend the week learning how to examine their patient and use critical thinking to diagnose them, they get to perform their very own TEDDY BEAR SURGERY!!! Our camp is full of fun, but education plays the biggest role. The kids get to do tons of other fun things as well, such as:

  • owl pellet and pig or frog dissection
  • basic small animal husbandry
  • arts and crafts, all pertaining to animals
Kids Camp

You will be blown away by what your kids are capable of learning. Our camps are geared toward ages 5-12, but we are more than happy to meet a child that falls out of that age range and see what we can do! These camps run through summer months. Please contact our office for more information and pricing.